A tool (bot) for filtering and auto-forwarding telegram messages from public and private groups, channels, chats and bots. Connect telegram account, create filters, specify targets and receive messages in Telegram chats or Webhooks.
Create filters to receive messages from users that are in the same chats with you. Don't miss important messages from important people.
Subscribe to keyword mentions to keep on with specific topics. Follow your favorite cryptocurrency or be alert when somebody mentions your brand.
Aggregate many chats into one. Forward messages from specific users and keywords. Filter messages that have images or videos in them.
Filter forwards messages almost immediately, so you receive a copy of the original message. Nobody could edit or delete a forwarded message. You can also copy-forward message without ‟forwarded‟ header.
You don't need to add any telegram bots to chats. Under the hood we launch telegram client in the cloud for each account. It reads and forwards messages 24/7.
Use Filter as an API gateway to Telegram. Build sentiment analysis pipelines using data from Telegram channels. Create trading bots for crypto or Forex. Integrate with external services like IFTTT or ZAPIER. See webhooks API documentation.
Run filter over chats history to retrive messages in a JSON format. Optionally Filter can upload messages and media resources directly to your AWS S3 bucket.
A Filter server via TDlib uses the same API as any other Telegram client. With the help of a Filter web interface, users configure filtering rules on the server, which in turn continuously reads and forwards filtered messages.
Every connected Telegram account has a dedicated Telegram process that runs 24/7 on our servers, so we charge per Telegram account. When you choose an annual subscription, you get 2 months for free. We offer free 7 day trial.
Basic | Pro | |
Telegram forwarding When a message is forwarded to another Telegram chat | ✓ | ✓ |
Webhook forwarding When a message is posted to the webhook entrypoint | - | ✓ |
Export chats history We run a filter through chats for a given time period. All matched messages go to JSON file which you can later download or get it straight to your AWS S3 bucket. | - | ✓ |
You can add multiple Telegram accounts on Basic and Pro plans within one Filter account. | $30 | $60 |
per month × | per month × |